Russian Psychological Society
Institute of Psychology RAN
Government of Udmurt Republic
Lunenburg University (Germany)

International Scientific and Practical Conference


Time of the conference: June 23-26, 2004

1. In search of subjectivity: philosophy and psychology of dependency, responsibility and trust
2. Social dynamics of dependency and dependant behaviour
3. Social dynamics of dependency and dependant behaviour
4. Social partnership and trust in dependency prevention
5. Ethnodependancy and ethnotolerance
6. Psychological phenomena of co-dependency, mutual responsibility and interpersonal trust


Articles are accepted in the electronic format (name of the file must be the name of the author) Word 95 or 97 (size - 2-3 pages, print - 12, interval - 1,5). The article must contain no tables, drawings, underline symbols, references. Disks and printed texts are not returned.
Articles must be submitted till May 1, 2004
Publications are free. Charge for sending is according to mail service charges.

The conference is to be held at:
State University of Udmurt, Faculty of Psychology and Education, 1 Universitetskaya St., Building 6, Izhevsk, Udmurtia, Russia.

Organizational fee:
For members of RPS - 300 rubles, for other participants - 500 rubles.

Contact information:
Organizational committee: 1 Universitetskaya St., Building 6, Room 112, Izhevsk
Tel: (3412) 75-53-42
Fax: (3412) 76-08-79